About Hidden Manna Ministries

Hidden Manna Ministries holds retreats and workshops across the world, with our home base being The Woodlands, Texas. Our most popular retreats are held within four hours of The Woodlands. Both Dr. Paul Looney and his mother Louise Looney are also frequent speakers for a variety of organizations. We are blessed that God provides ever expanding opportunities for the ministry and we look forward to continued expansion into missions, print and media.

Paul Looney


One Flesh

One Flesh teaching draws from psychology, physiology and human development. Jesus' first words in the Sermon on the Mount, known as the Beatitudes, anchor One Flesh in biblical truths.

One Flesh provides a safe environment. There is no airing of dirty laundry and the exercises are done with sensitivity to each couple's privacy.


Out of Egypt is a three day retreat designed to help you identify and leave behind defenses which have served their purpose and now keep you in bondage.  Out Of Egypt


Hidden Manna Ministries For any information go to: hiddenmanna.org  
or call  281-825-8963.

Hidden  Manna Ministries
Contact us for more info